Users in Accounts

Learn how users can be configured for accounts.

What is a user?

A User is an entity that has properties such as first name, last name, email, phone etc... Usually this entity type is reserved for people but can be used for non-human actors such as devices which need access to an account.

Example object:

  "role": "owner",
  "user": {
    "id": "1234",
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "email": "",
    "phoneNumber": "+46720000000",
    "language": "en",
    "username": "savvyEnergyUser",
    "ssn": "198904080000",
    "orgNumber": "555555-5555"

Within the Bright Energy ecosystem, a user should represent a uniquely identifiable entity of person or company only.

What roles can be assigned to a user?

A User can be one of the following roles:

  • owner - The primary user for a personal Account. Usually the existing customer who is managing their private home utilities. Referred to as an Account Owner.
  • company - The primary user for a company Account. This role is also considered an Account Owner.
  • guest - A user who has been invited to join an account from a user of type owner or company.

Users must have a role in order to be associated with an Account.

What configurations of user roles are allowed for an account?


An Account can have a user role configuration consisting of:

  • 1 owner
  • 1 company
  • 1 owner + 1 or many guest
  • 1 company + 1 or many guest

There can never be an Account with the following user role configurations:

  • 1 owner + 1 company
  • 1 owner + 1 company + 1 or many guest
  • multiple owner + multiple company
  • multiple owner + multiple company + 1 or many guest

What endpoints are reliant on user object data?