Forking Collections+Environments

Learn how to fork the Bright Energy collections

  1. Login to Postman and create a new workspace called "Bright Energy + {Organisation Name}" where {Organisation Name} is the name of your organisation. Make sure the workspace is visible only to Team members.

  2. Go to your workspace settings.

  3. Add Bright Energy as a user to the workspace using the "Copy Invite Link" option and emailing the link to [email protected].

  4. Navigate to our shared workspace Bright Energy Workspace .

  5. Click on "API" tab in the sidebar

  6. Open Bright-API, hover over the Bright API collection below the definition and select the menu dots on the right, then select "Create a fork".

  7. Fork the collection with the label "{organisation-name}" that is the name of your organisation and copy the associated environments (staging, production).

  8. Repeat the same forking process for Bright Kit in the same workspace. You only need to copy the environments once.

  9. After the forks are created, go to the staging environment and enter in the correct values for both the initial and current columns for each variable.