Data Mapping

Discover and prepare the data needed for each endpoint.

Prior to starting to work on the Integration Steps, your first task is to map data from the Organisations Data Layer to make sure your able to return all required fields for each endpoint.

This mapping process will allow you to identify early on any missing data and prioritize work on the Organisation side to have everything in place prior to starting the Integration Steps.

Please review the response body for each endpoint in the API Reference for which data fields are required.


A class diagram showing table relationships.

Similar Fields

This table is a list of similar fields condensed from all requests/responses for Bright Kit.

stringSearch for account Get accountThis is the account identifier used in most requests.
stringGet account BankId authThe personal number of the User.
stringSearch for account Get account See Organisation Number . Used when the User is a company.
emailstringSearch for account Get account The email address of the User. Can also be the email address of the account, where a Company has a dedicated email separate from the user.
stringSearch for account Get account The phone number of the User.

Organisation Number

The orgNumber or orgnumber field should be populated by a company identifier which is both:

  • The preferred company identifier for that country
  • Is unique to that specific company
CountryCountry CodeIdentifier TypeRegex
AustriaATFirmenbuch Nummer:
BelgiumBEVAT Number: 0123456789/^(\d{10})$/
BulgariaBGRegistration Number: 012345678/^(\d{9})$/
CyprusCYRegistration Number: HE 012345678/^([h|H][e|E])?(\s|-)?((\d{5,10}))$/
Czech RepublicCZICO/VAT Number: 01234567/^(\d{8})$/
DenmarkDKCVR number: 01234567/^(\d{7})(\s|-)?(\d{1})$/
EstoniaEETrade Register Number: 01234567/^(\d{8})$/
FinlandFIAT number: 01234567/^(\d{7})(\s|-)?(\d{1})$/
FranceFRSIREN number: 012345678/^(\d{9})$/
GermanyDEHRB Number: HRB 01234 01234/^([HRB])\d{5}|\d{5})$/
GreeceGRVAT Number: 012345678/^(\d{9})$/
HungaryHURegistration/VAT Number: 01-23-456789/^(\d{10})|(\d{2})-(\d{2})-(\d{6})$/
IrelandIECNIE number: /^(\d{4,6})$/
ItalyITCOFIS Registration Number: 01234567890/^(\d{11,16})$/
LatviaLVTrade Register Number: 01234567890/^(\d{11})$/
LithuaniaLTTrade Register Number: 012345678/^(\d{9})$/
LuxembourgLUIBLC VAT Number: A01234567/^([a-z]|[A-Z])?(\d{5,8})$/
NetherlandsNLKVK Number: 01234567/^(\d{8})$/
NorwayNOOrganisation number: 012 345 678/^(\d{3}(\s|-)?){3}$/
PolandPLKRS number: 0123456789/^(\d{10})$/
PortugalPTRegistration Number: 012345678/^(\d{9})$/
RomaniaROVAT Number: 0123456789/^(\d{1,10})$/
SlovakiaSKIČO/VAT Number: 01234567/^(\d{8})$/
SpainESCodigo Identificacion Fiscal: A01234567A/^([a-zA-Z])(\d{6,8})([a-zA-Z])?$/
SwedenSERegistration Number: 0123456789/^(\d{10})$/
SwitzerlandCHCHE number:

"-" is the correct separator character.

'‑', '‒', '–', '—', '―' is not accepted.
United KingdomGBCRO Number: AB012345/^((([a-z]|[A-Z])+([a-z]|[A-Z]))|(\d{2})?)(\d{6})$/
United StatesUSEIN Number: 01-2345678/^(\d{2}-\d{7})$/