Prices in Products

Learn how prices should be applied to products.

What is a price?

In the Bright Energy ecosystem, a price is a the combination of a value and a item type which can be valid for use in cost calculations. Supported types are listed in the response object[i].prices[i].type for Get products.

Price Examples

Spot price where we will calculate the cost based on the consumption per hour with nordpool pricing:

"prices": [
    "value": 0,
    "type": "spotkWh",
    "note": "calculationId",
    "name": "spotPrice",
    "validFrom": "2023-10-20T15:30:30+02:00",
    "validTo": "2024-10-20T00:00:00+02:00",
    "type": "monthly",
    "name": "fee",
    "value": 39
    "type": "percent",
    "name": "vat",
    "value": 0.25

kWh flat rate price where value* consumption for the time period will determine the cost:

"prices": [  
    "value": 0.80,  
    "type": "kWh",  
    "note": "calculationId",  
    "name": "kWhPrice",  
    "validFrom": "2023-10-01T00:00:00+02:00",  
    "validTo": "2024-04-01T00:00:00+02:00",  
    "type": "percent",
    "name": "vat",
    "value": 0.25

negativeSpotkWh where we will calculate the earnings based on the consumption per hour with nordpool pricing:

"prices": [  
    "value": 0,  
    "type": "negativeSpotkWh",  
    "name": "kWhProd" 

The price can have a combination of validity properties attached to restrict when the price can be used, such as:

  • a date range: validFrom+validTo
  • specific hours in the day: validHours
  • specific months in the year: validMonths
  • specific parts of a measurement: validPart
  • consumption thresholds: validThreshold.min, validThreshold.max and validThreshold.resolution

The price can have special rules when used in cost calculations:

  • applied to a fraction of consumption: validFraction
  • subtracts a value from the measurement used: subtractMeasurement

How prices should be used in cost calculations

Each price associated with the product is checked against the validity properties to see if it should be included in the calculation. If the price is allowed to be used the cost can be calculated and returned.

If the price is not valid for the calculation and no other prices are associated with the product, the cost will be 0.

How should prices be defined for production services?

If the end-user has service that produces electricity there should be at least 1 negative price in the prices array.

  • Any part of the production which is considered a "credit" to the end-user should have an associated negative price. No VAT should be added to these prices.
  • Any part of the production which is considered a "cost" which decreases the "credit" amount should have a positive price.

How many prices can a product have?

A product can have an unlimited number of prices associated.

There should always be a price with the enum percent for VAT set to the correct VAT value for the end-user country. For example: 0.25