Bug/Incident Reporting

Learn how to report bugs found in you mobile apps and Bright products.

Before you submit a bug report 🐛, try to reproduce the issue more than once and trace the issue backwards from:

If you can confirm the bug can be reproduced, or you are sure an issue exists but cannot reproduce it, prepare and send a report.


Send an email with the following information and format:

subject:Organisation Name/Customer Number - Bug Report
body:Product: App (iOS and/or Android, phone/tablet), Bridge, Documentation, My Pages etc...Choose one or multiple.
Type: BugCan be: Bug or Incident.
Issue Description: Describe the issue in detail. Date of issue discovery, what is broken, version and/or user affected etc...
Reproduction Steps:

3. ...
If you cannot consistently reproduce the error, write "Cannot reproduce" in step 1.
Bridge Test Failure: Name of TestIf the issue is not able to be to found in Bridge, skip.
Full HTTP Request


POST /event
Host: staging.domain/v1
cache-control: no-cache
Use this option if a Bridge test does not correlate to the error and it is found in Bright Kit or Bright API.

Easiest place to copy a full request is from the show raw log view in the console from Postman.
Full HTTP Response


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json
"status": "",
"data": {
"success": "",
"sentTo": ""
Use this option if a Bridge test does not correlate to the error and it is found in Bright Kit or Bright API.

Easiest place to copy a full request is from the show raw log view in the console from Postman.
attachments:Screenshots from the browser or mobile device affected.Send only the screenshot(s) that relates to the issue.